How to stop doing dumb stuff!

Sample pack

Wise Me

Wise me Module

Designed as part of the

Wise Me

Designed for Years 9 and 10, ages 14 to 17, the Wise Me Module leads students through a journey of self-regulation and self-accountability focused on helping them to be ‘wise’ and make wise choices.  Easily adaptable for Years 8 and 9 or 11 and 12.






There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart!

Charles Dickens

There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart!

Charles Dickens

How to stop doing dumb stuff!


In the WISE ME unit, students explore the concept of wisdom and making wise choices in the context of ‘kids can be wise too’.  They will explore what wisdom is in terms of brain functioning and thinking capacity, the things that can get in the way of making wise choices (and strategies to manage them), how to be Wisdom Whisperers in their school and wider community, and how to be Wise on the Web.


Unit outcomes

Understand ...

… how the brain helps you to be wise, and how it can interfere with the choices and decisions you make.

Discover ...

… strategies to proactively develop wisdom in your brain.

Reflect ...

… on the things in your world that are challenging your ability to be wise and experimenting with strategies to build wisdom.

Wise Me – Module 1 Video




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